martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014


One Book I like........

I have always thought: “Books are a gift”. I learnt to read when I was 4 years-old.  Since then, I have read many books and magazines. I love reading novels!

When you said to me the theme of this week’s homework, I did not know about what I could write. I have not “one” favourite book.  I have my own  little book’s collection at my parents’; and I cannot choose only one book to suggest to you. However, since I have read your e-mail I cannot stop to think about a book: One Hundred Years of Solitude, which was written by Gabriel García Marquéz, and it is a classic of latin-american literature. This book shows us how the rural lifestyle was.  It is an incredible book; I recommend it to you.  It has fun, romance and history.

Every book is a jewel to each reader. It depends on your style and your preferences. He who reads, enjoys…..!!

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