miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016


Women see little improvement in world of work
The International Labour Organization (ILO) said the difference in the employment rate between men and women had decreased by 0.6% since 1995.
In countries where women access work more easily, the quality of their jobs "remains a matter of concern". The findings come as events take place to mark International Women's Day.
 ILO chief Guy Ryder said it showed "the enormous challenges women continue to face in finding and keeping decent jobs". "Throughout their working lives, women continue to face significant obstacles in gaining access to decent jobs," the UN agency said. "Only marginal improvements have been achieved since... 1995."
The report looked at data from 178 countries and found that rate of women's participation in the workforce was 25.5% lower than men's participation in 2015 - a gap only 0.6% smaller than 20 years earlier. In many regions of the world, women were more likely to stay unemployed - 6.2% of women are jobless across the world compared to 5.5% of men - and often had to accept lower quality jobs.
Russia once again topped the ranking of countries with the highest percentage of women in senior business roles, followed by the Philippines and Lithuania, the report said. Japan, where only 7% of senior leadership roles are held by women, remained at the bottom of the list.


La Organización Internacional de Trabajo dijo que la diferencia en la tarifa de empleo entre hombres y  mujeres se había disminuido.
Las conclusiones vienen como los acontecimientos qué  ocurren para marcar el Día de la Mujer Internacional.
El jefe de Organización Internacional de Trabajo Guy Ryder dijo: " los  enormes desafíos de las  mujeres siguen enfrentarse al  encuentro y el cuidado de empleos decentes,  las mujeres siguen afrontando obstáculos significativos en acceder  a empleos decentes".
En muchas regiones del mundo,   el 6.2 % de mujeres son desempleadas frente al  5.5 % de hombres,  y a menudo se ven obligadas   aceptar empleos de calidad inferiores.
 Rusia una vez más encabeza  la clasificación de países con el porcentaje más alto de mujeres en papeles mayores de negocio, seguido de Filipinas y Lituania, y Japón, donde sólo el 7 % de papeles de  mejor liderazgo es sostenido por mujeres.


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