domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018


By Delia Funes from 2nd CIT)    Feb- 2018


Today, we atended a very interesting conference and we learnt that many years ago, Germany was a real nightmare where the humans were monsters. Germany was stained with blood and would never recover from that horrible past, as we always think of them as the Nazi Germans. However, not all of them were nazis, thank goodness. It was nice to find out that a relative of the lecturer could survive the camp of MAuthousen, where hundreds died.

The world nowadays is less racist, or at least, I would like to believe so although there are people who still are, and I don’t understand why, since we are all equal; it doesn’t matter the skin color, the culture, the language, the tastes, the gender… We are in the twenty-first century and we musn’t make the same mistakes as our ancestors.

Fromm y point of view, whenever we see a lack of respect from someone who thinks he or she is superior to another person, we must denounce that attitude  in order to finish with racism. We are all humans, so there aren’t inferior races ( as the Nazis used to think), nor we are any better or worse just because of living in another country or coming from a different place. 

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