miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018


María Gessé Chamizo 2nd Bach Humanidades.

What are we doing wrong?

Nowadays the skills for life (social and emotional learning) for a child are necessary because if you know and know how to work your emotions, you will live better in your life.

To begin with, to say that from a young age, children are surrounded by continuous errors. Because directly at school they no longer teach these skills for life but teach other subjects. In the same way, schools are necessary to help people get to know each other and to educate for the future.

In our brains, we have an area of our intelligence dedicated to emotions. Nevertheless, in Emotional Intelligence we must assume that it is so and that we can educate it, it is not innate. Emotions are easy to recognize. However, they are complex because sometimes they mix.

But, how important are they because they do not teach them in school like mathematics, for example? One hour a week would be enough to teach them: learn to recognize and work our emotions. Also, learn to know how to talk to people. In addition, learn to make decisions. And finally, learn to empathize.

On the other hand, there are notable differences between children who go to these skills programs, as opposed to those who do not. These programs have helped to: reduce antisocial behaviour, decrease drug consumption, increase positiveness, likewise, academic success.

Children learn to notice when there is a problem, ask for help and suffer less. Those who benefit most from these programs are the most needy (people who have suffered bullying).

The purpose of this essay is therefore to revolutionize education and to think that education is destined to develop the child and bring him closer to his future. Yet, many schools do not respect the laws, because they do not provide education with this.

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