miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020



Gender inequality refers to unfair rights between male and female based on different gender roles which lead to unequal treatment in life. In addtion to that, it is obvious ly an urgent problem in the world.

I sincerely believe that nowadays, workplace discrimination is a top problem faced by many women even in such developed countries. Not only, companies tend to pay women less, but also a lot of organizations refuse to hire pregnant women, not giving them a chance for even an interview. Listed here are some examples of gender inequality found in the daily lives of women across the globe such as: illiteracy, economic independence, female genital mutilation, human trafficking, low representation in governments, violence against women, sexual assault and rape. However, despite the fact that its volume is decreasing, it still exists and makes a lot of people suffer its consequences every day. Moreover, there are many reasons leading to gender discrimination which cannot be solved easily. Nevertheless, with education (which is the key to the growth of humankind) and progressive thoughts of people, there are also reasons to rely on  the future of gender inequality being stopped.

Finally, if I were a politician I would not only give women the same rights and opportunities owing of the fact that 'equal rights movement' is not enough.  Inequality exists in our minds and in our prejudices. In other words, it remains a lot to be solved. Hopefully, in a non distant future,I would like all people could live in fairness no matter what gender they are.
 (WRITTEN by Juan J. M. J - B2.1 - a student of mine from EOI. They are also working from home in order to improve their level. With this COVID situation, they will have to sit for the exams in September unless they were lucky to do the mock exams in  February, which are going to be respected as a proof for promotion)

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