jueves, 21 de enero de 2021



What do superstitions mean? Firstly, although there is no definition of superstition, it generally means a belief in supernatural forces. It is generally considered to be the result of fear of the unknown. Also, the meaning of superstitions includes the belief that objects thought to bring good luck can prevent bad things from happening.

Still, investigators say that superstitions may help people by offering a sense of control in some situations, for instance athletes may wear the same jewellery, clothes or shoes during competitions if they believe that the object will improve their acting. On the other hand, in each culture there are different (adj no tienen plural) s beliefs, so I have just collected the most common examples that include--s the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, furthermore,  that something bad will happen to people who walk under a ladder, broken mirrors, fortune-teller, the horoscope, spilling salt, opening umbrellas inside the house or a black cat while walking across his path. 

To conclude, If you are a superstitious person, be careful the next time you break a mirror, see a black cat or encounter the number 13. If you aren’t a believer, don’t worry too much about “bad luck”, it’s most likely just a trick of your mind.

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