viernes, 8 de enero de 2021


 MY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS                                     IKER AGUIRRE 2 BCCSS

This Christmas were a little bit different than last year. First of all almost all the members of my family weren’t able to come to have dinner because of the covid situation. However, we had the idea to make a video call so we could see our faces at least.

We weren’t able to do so much during Christmas, nevertheless, my dad got 2 weeks of holidays AT  work and we could spend all of those days together watching Christmas films as we always do. Furthermore, because my brother found out that Santa isn’t real last year, my mom decided to hide the presents so we had to search them across the house.On THE one hand I was sad because my family wasn’t there with us but on the other hand I was able to enjoy our Christmas dinner because the meat was so delicious. Although not all of the presents were delivered on time all of us receiveD a lot of presents like headphones, a watch, books…

If covid situation hadn’t appeared last year, I would have gone on vacation to Germany for Christmas.

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