martes, 27 de abril de 2021



They say when you are young you should make as many memories as possible. They say “go partying, travel with friends, create experiences you will never forget” but how is that even possible if we spend most of our lives controlled by our parents? As I see it, the answer is simple: studying abroad.

Even though living away from our families is hard, you will feel the freedom you were dreaming about all those last years. Moreover, if you had the opportunity to start again in a place no one knows you, wouldn’t you take it? I would. Those kinds of experiences that studying abroad brings to the table are scarce. Other experiences such as traveling around Europe by train or working abroad are meant for older people.

To sum up, studying abroad is the closest experience a teenager can have of being independent. Nevertheless, it is not cheap therefore you will need to save up some money from now on if you are planning to do it soon.

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